Jim Rohn Biography : Author, Business Coach & Motivational Speaker

Famous for :
Authoring several best selling business, life and leadership books and audio publications.

  • Value has two parts : The value you bring, and the value you become. You are paid the most for the person you become.
  • If you search, you'll find.
  • Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.
  • You don't have to change the world overnight. Just do a bit better this week than last week then the bad part of you will become less and less. This is called the personal growth.
  • Finish the day, then start the day.
  • From testimonial to personal experience, we have enough information to conclude that it's possble to deign and live an extraordinary life.
昨晚,在環亞飯店聽了美國的哲學大師Jim Rohn的演講。以上列出的這幾句,是我聽了特別有感受的幾句,因此抄寫下來放在網誌裡,也同時分享給大家。

You don't have to change the world overnight. Just do a bit better this week than last week then the bad part of you will become less and less.



但是,前兩天跟Amy吃飯時,Amy跟我說了一句讓我突然頓悟的話。她說:閒著是學不到東西的,無論什麼工作,都有可以學到東西的價值。 聽到這句話的瞬間,我頭頂的天窗似乎突然間打開了,以往那些無理的堅持也瞬間變得不再重要,只想好好找到一個工作,讓自己趕緊脫離目前的狀態。而昨晚聽到Jim Rohn講出這句激勵人自我成長的話時,我心裡面的某一塊角落似乎也被觸動了一下,覺得自己真的過於天真,把事情想像得太不符合現實,以至於現在的我反而一直原地踏步,遲遲未往前走。

“You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight”


More quotes from Jim Rohn.


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